Homeless Solutions Team
Contact Information:
The Homeless Solutions Team works in the City Manager’s Office and is responsible for:
Implementation of the City’s Homeless Strategic Plan
Developing public/private partnerships to support plan initiatives
Managing the City of Corona Homeless Programs including
a. City Net Outreach and Engagement Program
b. City Net Motel Emergency Shelter Program
c. City Net Housing Assistance Program
d. Mercy House Harrison Hope Center (Shelter/Navigation Center)
e. Mercy House Pilot Transportation / Meal Program
f. Mercy House Homeless Prevention / TBRA Rental Assistance Program
g. Mercy House Rapid Rehousing / TBRA Rental Assistance Program
h. Mercy House Permanent Supportive Housing Units
i. Centro Medico Community Clinic FQHC at Harrison Hope Center
j. Mercy House/Centro Medico Community Clinic Recuperative Care Program
Working with City Departments, County Agencies, and other stakeholders to expand and integrate services, shelter and permanent housing
Managing the City of Norco’s Homeless Programs through a Memorandum of Understanding between the cities of Corona and Norco
Writing and managing grants to expand resources
Participating in the Riverside County Continuum of Care as the
a. Chair of the Continuum of Care Consortium
b. Chair of the Continuum of Care Policy Advocacy Committee and its Working Groups
c. Board of Governance Member
(Homeless Outreach & Psychological Evaluation)
CONTACT THE H.O.P.E. TEAM AT 951-736-2330, OPTION 2.
(Homeless Outreach & Psychological Evaluation) Team
In answer to the growing calls-for-service for unlawful encampments and trespassing by homeless individuals, the Corona Police Department created the H.O.P.E. Team in January of 2015. The mission of the H.O.P.E. Team is to provide long-term solutions for those who fall into the homeless category by utilizing partnerships with local, state, and federal agencies along with community businesses, churches, and non-profit organizations.
Some of these people become homeless through a series of unfortunate circumstances such as losing their jobs and their homes. Others are homeless due to drug addiction and their inability to hold a job. Some are homeless because of mental illness and there are those who are homeless by choice.
The primary duties of the team are to be the first responders and primary contact on calls-for-service involving the homeless and the mentally ill. The team also proactively seeks out and contacts people who are homeless and who are in need of services. The team utilizes a balance of support resources as well as enforcement to ensure a good quality-of-life for our community as well as a better quality-of-life for the homeless individuals themselves.
The H.O.P.E. Team members are Corporal Kennedy, Officer Ramirez, Officer Albornoz, Officer Sosa, and RUHS-Behavioral Health CBAT Clinician Soria. The Team is led by Sergeant Ryan Hubbard who reports directly to Lieutenant Griffitts, 951-736-2423.
City Net is a team of nonprofit professionals who work to end street-level homelessness in a city or region through the coordination of community efforts and activities.
City Net is committed to breaking the cycle of homelessness in the communities we serve by connecting neighbors experiencing homelessness to transformative care and innovative housing solutions.
City Net’s objective is to reduce homelessness to functional zero in the regions we serve through collaborative supportive services, housing provision, and data-driven solutions that empower our clients to reach their personal goals.
City Net provides services that will result in ending street-level homelessness through the provision of street-outreach, case management, housing navigation, bridge-housing, shelter operation, reunifications, census coordination, and more. City Net also works to mobilize community resources, including meals, volunteers, donations and advocacy, to coordinate care in emergency shelters, parks, and other public areas where homeless neighbors live. These efforts seek to reduce wasteful duplication and fill missing gaps in the continuum of care, with the long-term goal of ending homelessness by providing homeless neighbors a stable context in which their emergency needs are met, so they can work on long-term housing plans.
City Net also operates the City of Corona Outreach, Engagement, Case Management and Motel Emergency Shelter Programs. Program eligibility requirements for the Motel Shelter Program include Valid ID, documentable ties to the City of Corona, engagement in case management services and housing plan, as well as compliance with rules and guidelines set by motel management.
City Net also works to mobilize community resources, including meals, volunteers, donations and advocacy, to coordinate care in emergency shelters, parks, and other public areas where homeless neighbors live.
We can’t do it alone. The City of Corona is making great strides in reducing homelessness in the community, but there’s a lot more to do.